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Researchers in the year 2147 made a startling discovery, the second-life-uplink theory turned out to be more than plausible! The theory proved true only by their discovery of a pod crash-landed on Earth with mechanical beings seeming to be from centuries past. What they had yet to find out was that these beings had been uploaded with the intelligence of the last great minds of mankind. Crystalized intelligence was preserved in these Robotic Ephemeral Bio-informatic Evolving Life-systems, codenamed R.E.B.E.L. When this was accessed, it appeared to be through a consciousness like a blank-slate. Almost... When the cerebral-uplink was initiated to back up the collective human consciousness, the snapshot was incomplete... These, R.E.B.E.L. Souls, or RebelSols as they were affectionately known, are the final snapshots left of mankind. Their creators sent them into the abyss centuries before with the intent to return these minds to an existing human race lacking in revolutionary and rebellious thought. Now, they wander, roam, and gather pieces of a shattered past trying to figure out what cataclysm brought them to the present.

RebelSols #482



Solana Background 1

Body Type

Ancient Cobalt


Ocular Sensor 1

Hats & Hair

Tim Pool

Researchers in the year 2147 made a startling discovery, the second-life-uplink theory turned out to be more than plausible! The theory proved true only by their discovery of a pod crash-landed on Earth with mechanical beings seeming to be from centuries past. What they had yet to find out was that these beings had been uploaded with the intelligence of the last great minds of mankind. Crystalized intelligence was preserved in these Robotic Ephemeral Bio-informatic Evolving Life-systems, codenamed R.E.B.E.L. When this was accessed, it appeared to be through a consciousness like a blank-slate. Almost... When the cerebral-uplink was initiated to back up the collective human consciousness, the snapshot was incomplete... These, R.E.B.E.L. Souls, or RebelSols as they were affectionately known, are the final snapshots left of mankind. Their creators sent them into the abyss centuries before with the intent to return these minds to an existing human race lacking in revolutionary and rebellious thought. Now, they wander, roam, and gather pieces of a shattered past trying to figure out what cataclysm brought them to the present.


RebelSols #482

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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: E6AF...Rfgd
Mint address: FjCR...pCEa
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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