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Double Dragon



Technōs Japan


SNK / Technōs Japan



Double Dragon[b] is a 1995 fighting video game spin-off of the Double Dragon series developed and published by Technōs Japan. It is based on the 1994 Double Dragon movie, which in turn was based on the original arcade game. It was originally released for the Neo Geo (in AES and MVS formats) and later released for the Neo Geo CD and PlayStation (the latter ported by Urban Plant). It was Technōs Japan's last Double Dragon game before the company went out of business, and the fourth and final Double Dragon game released in arcades. The game plays like a conventional one-on-one fighting game. One of the unique aspects of Double Dragon is the lack of specific punch and kick buttons like other fighting games. Instead, there are four attack buttons of varying strength and speed, which can perform punches or kicks depending on the character's position. Billy and Jimmy Lee (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa and Kaneto Shiozawa respectively), return to their childhood city, after receiving a letter from their master. The city has changed drastically in the ten years since the Lee brothers left, becoming a haven for street gangs known as Bloody Town after it has fallen under the control of the crime boss Koga Shuko (v.b. Osamu Saka). Shuko is hosting a martial arts tournament in order to recruit new members into his organization, but also to lure the Lee brothers in bringing him one half of the titular Double Dragon medallion, which Shuko is in possession of the other half. Whoever is in possession of both halves of the Double Dragon medallion will acquire unlimited powers.

Double Dragon

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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: DPqR...osTU
Mint address: 3cKp...K5fe
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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