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The word ' occult' is derived from the Latin adjective 'Occultus' meaning 'hidden'. Occultism is the study of hidden laws of nature, specifically those laws which are at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain far more than those at work in the physical/visible world. Occultists therefore are those who study ALL the laws of nature, both that are readily seen and unseen.

Yin and Yang


The Principle of Polarity states that everything has a dual nature to it; there are polarities in everything that exists. Everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites. However, opposites: they are identical in nature, but they're different in degree. So, let me give you an example of what that means; are hot and cold really opposites? Or can we simply look at them as the presence of heat energy and the absence of heat energy? Meaning that they are the same thing, energy, and whether it is concentrated in a specific area which would make it hot, or whether it is absent from a specific area, which would make it cold. That's what hot and cold are at the fundamental level. At our level of perception, they're opposites, but at the fundamental level, they're the same thing; energy or lack thereof. Just like those 3 stages of the Trivium; are knowledge and ignorance the same thing? Yeah, actually, they are! Because Truth is always present, and it's a matter of whether it's taken in and processed or whether it's refused to be taken in, and it's not processed. So, it's just like that, they're identical in their natures, but they're different in their degree. Extremes can meet and blend and play with each other like as depicted in the yin-yang symbol: masculine and feminine, they need to be blended. And at some level of reality, everything that is seemingly contradictory may be reconciled. Now again, I stress the term at some level. At the unified field level, everything is consciousness, pure consciousness. However, at this level, there are differences in consciousness, at this level, there are things taking place that we need to understand, at this level, there are things that we need to set right and rectify because it does matter. It does matter. So, again, be careful of some of the new age-isms that get put out there. Yes, can all paradoxes be reconciled? At some level. In this realm, we need to have our feet on the ground, in the physical domain.

Yin and Yang

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