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Esther (mother) paints pictures, Álvaro (son) photographs them and gives them to an artificial intelligence (AI) that interprets what it sees into text. Another AI creates an image from this text. Methodological and generational contrasts, but with similar results. Dialogue of the original piece with what an AI "paints". A dialogue that gives rise to many questions, perhaps clichéd, but which in this case take on a new dimension: What is art? Is it a human domain? Machines with souls? Humans without souls?

Beech trees




an oil painting of a group of trees in a forest in the style of Renoir Impressionist

Beech trees

License: Priv/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 5 %
Listed by: 63Dq...keM3
Mint address: 4Pbt...NSSi
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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