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1/1 NFT paper collages. I buy a cheap Georgian magazine and make as many collages as the issue allows. Sometimes it's hard, but it's my way of fighting overconsumption. Chaos and harmony, beauty and ugliness.






Heads on strings


Promotional handout

On the sign Collected from people handing out Galamart flyers and supermarket receipts on the street. Written in marker pen. Torn. Cut fragments pasted on top. Athens, Parthenon clearly visible. Heads cut out on top, painted on both sides and hung on string. *** The legend of Galamar Galamar was the son of mortal skilled glassblowers. He was cursed to eternal sleep by the goddess of world information Media (a faceless person). While hunting he fell asleep on the grass. In his dream the goddess Gaia, (goddess of nature) appeared to him. She offered to eat her son in order for him to wake up. Galamar agreed. When he awoke, he gained the Sight of God. He could see the threads of Moir's life, which were intertwined with the black threads of the goddess Media. The threads condemned people to feel gold in clay pots. Their ideal was the more pots the better. And to "success" came whoever had more. Galamar made himself a large flask from the sand that lay under everyone's feet. The flask cut all the threads. In this flask he sat for several days, pondering. When he came out, he saw that he himself was made of pure gold, just like any of us. Galamar ran to the main square of the city. He tried to explain to the people what he had seen. How they were being deceived by their surroundings. But listening to him, people only looked at his body of pure gold. The crowd tore Galamar into a thousand pieces. And each part of his body, became more valuable than gold. With the help of Galamar's glass flask, people turned other people into gold. Tearing them into pieces over and over again. And when Galamar's parts became equal to gold, he woke up on the grass. He became a new son of nature, the goddess Gaia. *** On Excursions Attention, group. Bottom half, the human world. The cut-up people above the commercials, speaking of rebirth. They fly apart, releasing and revealing the new man. On the right side, a man with eyes, symbolizes nature. He touches heads, enlightening. The upper part above the Parthenon, is the immortal soul, the cosmic mind or general consciousness. Culture, independent of the biological body. Likewise, the rotation of the heads on the thread denotes doubt. Thank you for your attention!


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Listed by: AYZN...pGT6
Mint address: 5TTF...7bNS
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