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"For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us."   ~ Richard H. Baker My name is Synchronised Universe, and I am a writer and a researcher, researching ancient texts, occult, symbology, esoteric info and connecting the dots, in order to rediscover the true history of this planet, our solar system and humanity. This has even forced me to deeply look into the extraterrestrial influences in history, where they come from, what their agenda might have been, and more. Additional research made me realize that these ancient beings never left–they are still here, and they are huge plans for humanity. Unfortunately, these plans are not to our benefit! Check out my NFTs for easter eggs to these truths!


The splitting of the worlds does not mean that the Earth will literally break in the middle and create two worlds—the term is a metaphor. In fact, there are, and has always been, more than one version of Earth. In reality, there are as many versions of Earth as there are humans on the planet, and much more—each human is living on an individualized version of the planet, which is slightly different from everybody else’s, but humans share commonalities because we vibrate within the same range of frequency. This is why we all can see and interact with each other even though our worldviews are sometimes very different. Now, the majority of the world population is choosing to opt for the Machine Kingdom, although they have no idea what they’re doing—they are simply on autopilot and going with the flow because they are literally asleep and can be led in any direction the manipulators choose for them. The consequences of this are explained in detail in my papers, so I won’t go into that here, other than to say that the consequences are, in the long term, devastating for anybody who chooses that path. The other path will be chosen by those who are spiritually awake and who feel the urge to connect with nature and live a simpler lifestyle. However, even those of us who are aware are in danger because the manipulation is very convincing and the propaganda easy to fall for unless we have done our homework. The Machine Kingdom is creeping up on us all, and it’s easy to stay in that timeline without realizing it—we buy more and more technology because we think it will enhance our lives and make it easier, when, in fact, it eventually will do the exact opposite. You may think that if you just buy one more device, you’ll be fine and don’t have to buy more technology, but then another product hits the market, and it’s very tempting to go and get that one too, even if you resist in the beginning. Therefore, be aware! In the beginning, the Machine Kingdom and the New Era, or the Second Golden Age, will coexist. However, after a few generations, the enhanced human who is evolving without technology, the new species I call Homo Nova, will start vibrating within a higher frequency range than that of the Machine Kingdom, and the latter will cease to exist in Homo Nova’s reality. When that happens, the Splitting of the Worlds is a fact! Homo Nova is then literally living on a different version of Earth. The Machine Kingdom will still exist as a parallel reality, or better yet, in a lower dimension. My papers were written in an attempt to wake up as many people as possible without forcing any dogma or religion upon anybody. All I wanted to do was to tell the true story about the Earth to the best of my ability and let the readers make up their own minds. The information can be taken literally, as a guideline, or an overall picture—it’s up to the reader to decide. My project was also an attempt to write in such a manner that people who started waking up late during the nano-second (and afterward as well) would have a reference or a guideline so that it, hopefully, won’t be too late for these people to reach the point where they can make conscious decisions about their future. Hence, the papers are always going to be available to be downloaded for free, as long as the Internet is available and I can pay the annual fee for the domain and the web location. I know that more and more people will find the papers when they are ready for them, and that will, in turn, lead to this book. Of course, for those whom the papers don’t communicate to will rather quickly abandon them and look for truth somewhere else, but in the near future, many people will find them, read them, and consider them very helpful. Now, I think the reader is ready for the next step where we can learn how to develop our multidimensionality and how we can obtain that by working with our bodies. Still grounded here on Earth, our bodies will be our best friend and the main tool we will use when exploring the Multiverse. I hope this book will be helpful on your never-ending experiences as a multidimensional being! Happy Journey! Love, Wes Penre

Beyond 2012

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