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Each Pyramid is one of a kind and will never be in existence again. “These accounts of ‘lost’ or anomalous knowledge are building blocks of an alternative universe, and, taken altogether, they reveal something of the deep structure of this alternative universe. They also show that this universe made up of anomalies may be more real than the everyday, commonsensical one!” MARK BOOTH, AUTHOR OF THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD”




There can only exist one of this artwork. “On the Search for Lost Knowledge GLENN KREISBERG A revolution is underway in our world, fostered by decades of research and well documented evidence from illustrious scholars such as Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, and Robert Schoch (sometimes affectionately referred to as the “four horsemen”). This collection of essays adds to those voices and, when taken as a whole, provides astounding, yet compelling proof of an approaching shift in our perspective regarding human origins and the roots of civilization. Long-standing paradigms are beginning to crumble and realign to this new order of thinking. This “thought revolution” represents a direct challenge to an orthodox, mainstream academic establishment that continues to try to debunk sound evidence and theories that have not only stood the test of time but that have already attained accepted status in the court of public opinion. Of course, orthodoxy resists and fights change by its very nature. Acceptance by this establishment would require a shift in perception regarding the knowledge that mankind possessed in remote epochs. “Why lost knowledge? Because much of the research, evidence, and theories presented in this collection are not currently included in mainstream, traditional academic curriculums. Nor are they seriously pursued at universities or published in scholastic textbooks and journals, although that is slowly changing. The battle to have them included and accepted has stirred controversy worldwide for decades, in some cases prompting attacks by academia against those involved in this fight” Excerpt From: Glenn Kreisberg (ed.). “Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: A Graham Hancock Reader”. Apple Books.

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