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Every crystal star is rendered by a proprietary stochastic algorithm that generates a unique digital art with distinct color, luminosity, brilliancy, clarity, and transparency. All these NFTs in this collection are unique and original creations.

Brown Dodecahedron






Center orientation

Lower left

Center color


A 3D artistic rendition of a crystalized star generated with a stochastic and disposable algorithm. Its twelve polygons have distinct non-reproducible colors, luminosity, brilliancy, clarity, and transparency, making its rendition unique. Ownership of this NFT grants you access to the animated file containing the tessellations of a pulsating star.
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Brown Dodecahedron

License: Repr/Comm
Mintedon SolSea
Unverified NFT - please check everything before you buy
Doublecheck everything before you buy!How to spot fakes?
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: 5uYw...QPdd
Mint address: 7YkT...DriJ
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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