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All my photographs are taken in Apulia, the Italian region where I live. The collection will contain three shots, each of them has an important meaning and brings with it a different story. " A photograph is the heart stopping for a second "

Montagna Spaccata


This shot depicts the Montagna Spaccata in a moment of solitude. This is Southern Italy's most famous mountain from which to dive into the sea. Breathtaking view from 4 meters. A unique sensation, the fear before diving is always great even for the most experienced, but in an instant you find yourself immersed in the sea and the only thing you will want is to take that dive again. The name comes

Montagna Spaccata

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 3 %
Listed by: 4CGh...qBEx
Mint address: 7dLc...eMHk
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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