A rare collection of sad animals listening to AI generated piano works dreaming of which reforestation projects they will participate in. With each NFT purchased 10 trees will be planted on earth and a real earth realm hat will be purchased from www.techocolypse.com and mailed to the buyer.
Open Artwork
Song Length
1 min
the sad rhino rides a rollercoaster in rochester. The animal is rescued and brought to New York City on a bus filled with tourists. A busload and passengers arrive. Two reporters become romantically involved with the animal, with the journalist's wife leading the zoo animals. She has the zoo animals photograph the animals by placing the pictures with the camera. The animals become friends again and again, though this time to the animals' relatives who take them to a restaurant. Soon enough, the animals have been given back a taste of their former America. One girl takes the animals for a ride where they seem to understand their old days as a happy-go-lucky bunch; the animals are happy as they have been given food, water and shelter every once in a while, but the girls are not so enthusiastic. They are more interested in bringing the animals up to the dignity of being human. At lunch, they become more interested in the girls' food, including nuts and cole sloop steaks. The zoo animals decide that the girls need to eat something special they have not had any experience with. The animals spend the night in the zoo. That night, they wander the city streets, hoping to find some peace and quiet. Eventually they are able to find one place where it doesn't feel like a park in the middle of nowhere. Eventually, the animals come to believe that there is no park and that it can be found by going to a park, but all the animals see all the park as empty and empty, leaving them feeling empty and even less secure in their own lives. The animals' relationship with the girls makes them realize that the way to live is to love nature. The zoo animals have taken the girls to the park, which the animals consider their home. The film ends with the girls climbing a rooftop.