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The word ' occult' is derived from the Latin adjective 'Occultus' meaning 'hidden'. Occultism is the study of hidden laws of nature, specifically those laws which are at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain far more than those at work in the physical/visible world. Occultists therefore are those who study ALL the laws of nature, both that are readily seen and unseen.

The biggest lie


The Pleiadians are one of the sources who described the Universe as a web in an energy exercise from one of Barbara Marciniak’s books, Earth — Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library: “…Imagine a fine spiderlike web that makes up your cosmos. As you pull energy through that web, it begins to buzz and sing and inform all parts of itself.”[22] Barbara Hand Clow’s Pleiadians are on the same page and go on to further explain: “The original pathways out of the vortexes were spun out by Spider Grandmother in the beginning of time and then woven together. The vortexes were generated exactly where the pathways cross, and out of these crossings and lines, species were created. The storytellers told the stories of Spider Grandmother, and animals and plants were formed.

We Pleiadians call this the Web of Life. Now the Web has become the Net that blocks travel by stellar intelligences in the pathways. The Web has tightened and has almost closed due to the lies the Anunnaki layered over the original stories, especially since Zero Point”[23] This last part may seem cryptic to the reader at this point, but we will come back to that, and we are going to find that the Pleiadians here are very accurate. Hand Clow’s Pleiadians continue: “As the Anunnaki suck you to get Gaia’s energy and plot to keep you under their thumbs, they twist the records of activations by great beings, thus keeping you away from Earth vortexes as much as possible. They are heavily invested in keeping you from discovering the real connective powers of sacred places as well as the active powers of gold, uranium, crystals, and plants. Such powers can activate the Earth and awaken your deep memories, triggering connections with galactic intelligence. Power places have often been revealed to you by the unexpected appearance of illuminated beings.”

“Often temples are built where great beings were seen, and many of you can genuinely feel this energy of place. The Anunnaki believe they own you. They’ve diverted you away from these power places, preventing the great beings from reaching you. Lately, even they are bored with their own limited games, and they are impulsed to seek these great beings. The dynamic is shifting fast because they know these power vortexes are their only access to these powers.”[24]

The biggest lie

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