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In the year 2705, a groundbreaking discovery was made at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy - a wormhole! Dr. Arturo Mendoza, a renowned cosmologist, seized the opportunity and petitioned the Interplanetary Federation for a grant to explore the wormhole. After leading a team through the portal, Dr. Mendoza made a remarkable finding - a shortcut to the heart of the Andromeda galaxy! During the expedition, the team encountered the L'ethral, an alien race who shared their knowledge of a revolutionary form of space travel that enabled them to fold space and traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye. Humanity was now equipped to explore the Andromeda galaxy, and the Interplanetary Federation sent in the League of Planetary Prospectors to uncover new worlds. As with any exploration, discovery and conflict soon followed.

Prospector Chris Matterhorn


Chris Matterhorn was a man of ambition and adventure. He was the founding member of the League of Planetary Prospectors and, as such, was chosen to lead the first expedition to ever leave the Milky Way galaxy. The journey was long and treacherous, but Chris and his team persevered and eventually arrived in the Andromeda galaxy. Their exploration led to the discovery of more than seventy-two exploitative worlds, out of which three were inhabited. Chris and his team reported their findings to the Interplanetary Federation, and the planets were further studied. Chris Matterhorn's expedition was heralded as a great success, and he was celebrated for his courage and determination.

Prospector Chris Matterhorn

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 12 %
Mint address: 8dqz...3K2E
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