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The word ' occult' is derived from the Latin adjective 'Occultus' meaning 'hidden'. Occultism is the study of hidden laws of nature, specifically those laws which are at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain far more than those at work in the physical/visible world. Occultists therefore are those who study ALL the laws of nature, both that are readily seen and unseen.




Orange- Red



The Ouroboros, the snake biting its own tail, here representing cyclic time. Time is also cyclic in nature, with cycles within cycles or “wheels within wheels”, as perceived in the Mystery Schools. There are small cycles of time and bigger cycles. A planet has its own cycle, divided into lesser ones as well. Some say a greater Earth cycle is about 26,000 years[15]; others say 75,000 years[16], while I have also heard 500,000 years; it’s all arbitrary, depending on our focus point. Whatever our focus point is, many now agree that we are closing in on the “end-times” as described both in the Bible, the Mayan Calendar and elsewhere. There is a general concept that the year 2012 is the end of this current, Greater Cycle, and the world will end the way we know it. Although there are those who proclaim there is going to be a literal “end of the world”, I think the majority of people who have looked into this are in agreement that it is a shift of consciousness, which will take on new forms and in some terms will be perceived as a New Era. On Winter Solstice 2012, our solar system is also in perfect alignment with the Galactic Center and has completed a full cycle around the Milky Way Galaxy, which only happens every 26,000 years. According to many metaphysical sources, this means a big leap in consciousness, because there is a lot of energy involved in this process, and energy is also information, particularly so when transferred on gamma rays. At the same time, the energy of our own Sun is changing, creating a boost in consciousness, something I believe many of us have experienced. In fact, according to The Pleiadians, the rise in consciousness has been an ongoing process since 1987. The time period between 1987-2012 is what they call the “nano-second”, which is the time frame where the most intense boost will occur, and we will also over these 25 years experience that time is speeding up and time as we know it is collapsing. As a consequence, certain timelines are merging and we become more aware of our multi-dimensionality. I can personally attest to that this has indeed been the case for me. My true awakening happened just before the nano-second started; in 1985-86, and I know there are a lot more people who experience a time spurt as well; I’m just one in a crowd. In larger terms, even universes have their cycles. I can’t say at this point how long it takes for a universe to complete a cycle; it quite possibly depends on how fast the universal consciousness evolves, but apparently and according to the experience of LPG-C, universes do complete their cycles, implode, and start all over. It makes sense, of course, that our universe, which is spherical, is orbiting something larger. This is evident, because everything in the known universe is orbiting something larger; it wouldn’t stop with this single universe. Here is another good reference on time, which makes the concept quite comprehensible. It comes from the modern Bavarian Illuminati[17], presently located mainly in the United Kingdom. Their Order has a lot of old, gnostic information available to them; information that’s been kept hidden until recently, when they have released this information in increments to have mankind ponder new science and new concepts about the universe, time, the spirit, God, and other important issues. Why are they releasing this information now? The Order has been opponents to the Powers That Be on this Earth, the say, since the days of Solomon (perhaps even longer), but have had to go underground for their own safety and for their information to stay safe within the Order. They were the ones behind the Russian, French, and American Revolutions. They have fought behind the scenes against the Royal Families and the International Bankers, but now, as we are approaching big changes, the Order believe it is time to let people know how humanity has been deceived over the millennia. I have been in contact with this Order as well as LPG-C during my research for these papers (I was in contact with the Illuminati previous to LPG-C), and I reminded the Bavarian Illuminati of their bloody past. Their answer was that the Order is not engaged in war and violent resistance anymore and have realized the limitations of using these methods. This time around they want to use information; dissemination; education, and a peaceful resistance movement, which they have already started. They call it The Movement[18]. Personally, I haven’t seen any Movements with a positive outcome. This is not because the members are not good-hearted and serious, but because movements, if they are a threat to the Power Establishment, are either taken out, being infiltrated or discredited to such a degree that they lose most of their support.


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