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Solanaball is a fictional sport created by screenwriter and author David Hearne. Find out more at (and I've had pieces that I designed put together by talented artist zqwpografhic from who has been paid and is happy with his part of the deal (he knows I'm selling these). In fact, I plan to give him more work doing up other Solanaball teams in the future. These cards were planned as having 10 prints of each but I've changed that to 2 only. So these are 2 of a kind - and some are already gone forever (twitter giveaways). In the year 2279, Solanaball is King. The rules of the sport are simple. It's like rugby league except a power glove lets you pull the ball toward you and push it to pass. To score a goal (worth five points), one must aim the ball at the aeromar, a narrow slot suspended twenty metres above the centre of the end goal line. If you score, you get to add extra points via a kick (worth one point). A section of the glove contains the triameter, which holds the small ball securely while the magnetic pulse within the triameter both attracts the ball and keeps it safe. Only a heavy blow can knock the ball loose. Sensor pads throughout the club uniforms meant that a blow or jolt to any part of the body will register, so the glove-arm doesn't have to be specifically targeted. Sensor pads were introduced soon after the sport’s conception, the removal of a player’s arm from his socket ringing alarm bells with the Solanaball governing committee. However, there are not many other rules on the field - tackles are fine so long as you're not bashing the other player. Human, Catalot (think cat), Tharnian (think angry cat), Canineth (think dog), Vucemar (think snake) or Birdeele (think bird) are just some of the species to take to the field. For more details, jump to the below link 'Solanaball - the story' to read all about a home game to the Renegades, taking on the Vipers. With the rich worlds and aliens written about in David Hearne's novels, there's going to be plenty to come, including original content written just for Solanaball.



Skill 7

Strength 7

Stamina 6

Speed 10

Team Vipers

Darrow is a vucemar, the fastest, slipperiest reptiles in the galaxy. What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in speed - once in the clear there's no chance anyone will catch him. Darrow is an outcast on his home world and a rumoured criminal which some might say makes him a better fit for the Vipers than most. He enjoys long slithers in the grass and sliding over the top of opposing players. There's also a rumour he once ate a rival player during a skirmish after a game - however this has not yet been proven.

Darrow 3D 2/10

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: 7Wpw...bKo5
Mint address: 9s6U...ZTm2
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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