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Each NFT is a photo of my private art journals. Most of these quotes are not easily found online. L. Ron Hubbard once said: “A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists.” This collection is an my effort in preserving my cult-ure.

Dream & be


Dreams are preparation for the after-life. In Hindu mythology, they say that the world is the drama of God. God is not something in Hindu mythology with a white beard that sits on a throne, that has royal perogatives. God in Indian mythology is the self, 'Satchitananda.' Which means 'sat,' that which is, 'chit,' that which is consciousness; that which is 'ananda' is bliss. In other words, what exists, reality itself is gorgeous, it is the fullness of total joy. Wowee! And all those stars, if you look out in the sky, is a firework display; the universe is a celebration, it is a fireworks show to celebrate that existence is. Wow! ✨ Wayne Bush,

Dream & be

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 11 %
Listed by: G7JY...QLfz
Mint address: AARG...7jkN
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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