The most unique places in the Mandelbrot. All crypto depends on maths and the simplest maths producing advanced patterns is the Mandelbrot. Write each pixel's co-ordinates as a number (using complex numbers), then repeatedly "multiply by itself and add the original number". That's it. 🌸 Who would have thought something so simple could produce such variety? (For example start with 5. 5 times 5 is 25. Add 5 is 30. 30 times 30 is 900. Add 5 is 905. Clearly it's getting bigger. Colours are assigned according to how fast. Another example: start with 0. 0 times 0 is 0. Add 0 is 0. It will never get very big so a special colour black is used.) Because it's so simple everything you see is coming from the nature of reality.