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SOLEX S1 Special Edition is a serial of exclusive customized watch NFTs based on the original design model of SOLEX S1. This series is to express our gratitude to those individuals and groups who have supported our team since the beginning.

SOLEX SE Rabbit 2/3



Solana Plug

This NFT is a tribute to NFTHunter, a Twitter influencer and an early supporter of who has contributed to SOLEX since the very beginning.

lil sushi

SOLEX SE Rabbit 2/3

License: Repr/Comm
Mintedon SolSea
This NFT is not listed at the moment!
Doublecheck everything before you buy!How to spot fakes?
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Royalties on secondary sales: 5 %
Mint address: BS25...N1ZA
NFT metadata: View on SolScan