MORE MOORS is an opportunity to learn and reclaim a seemingly forgotten history by bringing to the forefront of a new universe in Web3 a proud, positive history of black people. The exploration that begins and transfers knowledge to the viewer/ owner is the utility.
Although “Moor” and Moorish culture has no defined meaning, we do know that “Moor” describes a dominant community that economically and intellectually flourished in Northern Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and parts of Italy approximately from 700 to 1492.
My first study is the depiction of the Shakespearean tragedy character, Othello or KING ⦻THELL⦻. The Shakespearean character is a military commander and is probably the most famous depiction of Moors in the English-speaking world. Mentioned 60 times in this play, the Moors and Moorish culture is something I’ve known both in my family’s history as well as my education history. I knew at some point my exploration and conquest just like Othello’s might have been on the sea for. Some references pulled are from Othello Depicted by Lawrence Fishburn, Orientalist and Moorish Art sculptures from the Victorian Era