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I'm writing a story to tell myself one day when I tear the heat from the wires a dream a final melody

Heart in Hand


///Heart in Hand/// //I bled into moments/ The skin cells/ Of my hands/ Crumbs of tortilla chips/ The jumped out my mouth/ When I started talking/ Before I finished chewing/ And smiled a story/ Of glinting candles/ Lighting up my vision// //What were you then When I squeezed my palm/ Only to realize/ It all was in/ My index and thumb/ It all was in the speckles/ I shed off/ That became the twinkles/ In your eyes/ And whispered to me/ Unclench my fist/ And let the universe/ Slide through my bones//

Heart in Hand

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 12 %
Listed by: 9BcY...gvwZ
Mint address: CgG2...GzFi
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