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What do you get when combine the two most popular crazes on the internet: Pokémon and Twerking? You get Pokémon Twerk Team! This series was the first animated series from Steven Christian, a retired football player turned animator turned medical student, in 2013 when he was playing football at Oregon State University. The series started off as a way to counter the negative images of Miley Cyrus twerking and replace it with something better. Ka$h Twerkum was the first one of the series. It was a way to explore the medium of animation. It was only 5 frames, but it set the trend off magnificently. The vision for Ka$h Twerkum was to explore the very real and problematic ideas that Pokémon glorifies animal abuse. What if Pokémon trainers stopped abusing animals in battles and actually had dance battles. Thus I created this whole series of looping dance animation. Steven started the series to explore animation and wild internet ideas, and he share it with the world to build a community and pay for his medical school education.

Ka$h Twerkum


Pokémon Twerk Team #01 by Steven Christian
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Ka$h Twerkum

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Mint address: Cim3...Jwf8
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