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A group of merciless Space-Cat Pirates, cutthroat in tactics but big on heart. The second official digital art collection from cartoonist Ria 'Air' Garcia.

Giant Cat with Beating Heart




Giant Cat with Beating Heart by Ria 'Air' Garcia - Also known as Fort Katz, her name is actually a misnomer (she’s not a fort, she’s a spaceship). Being the Bonafide Bangerz’s main form of transportation, most of the pirate crew live and work inside her. A kind and gentle soul, she serves not only as the crew’s home, but also their best friend. “Even though the numbers might go down… a countdown to blast-off is not a subtractive proposition.” Art and words by Ria ‘Air’ Garcia. This piece began life as an original ink drawing.

Giant Cat with Beating Heart

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: 9Dkr...oTmi
Mint address: DNLn...hN5j
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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