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Seriously Kyle! was created as a way to show through art the many mental and emotional states a teenager in todays world may go through. The two versions of Seriously Kyle are currently the colorful and unique expressions of mental states and are currently available here and on Rarible. A near future collection will be versions of Kyle along with typical thoughts a teenager might have.



Seriously Kyle! was created as a way to show through art the many mental and emotional states a teenager in todays world may go through. The two versions of Seriously Kyle are currently the colorful and unique expressions of mental states and are currently available here and on Rarible. A near future collection will be versions of Kyle along with typical thoughts a teenager might have
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License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 5 %
Mint address: DYpQ...1BqJ
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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