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Hi NFT world! My name is zorba, i am a sweet little creature born in 2011 from the creative mind of my maker Bruno De Roover from Belgium. My friends thought I was too cute to stay alone and encouraged Bruno to create not only 1/1 but 33 unique pieces and dive into the nft world. My dream is to make children’s books come to life through nft and to teach children about emotions and feelings.







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Feeling woebegone. At first glance, woebegone looks like a word that has its meaning backwards; after all, if begone means "to go away," shouldn't woebegone mean "devoid of woe," or "happy"? Not exactly. The word derives from the Middle English phrase wo begon. The wo in this phrase simply means "woe," but begon (deriving from Old English began) is a past participle meaning "beset." Someone who is woebegone, therefore, is beset with woe. Since the early 19th century, the word has also been used to describe things that appear to express sadness, as in "a woebegone face."
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License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
Unverified NFT - please check everything before you buy
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Royalties on secondary sales: 15 %
Listed by: Faqr...wkde
Mint address: EKp7...rhLE
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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