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The eager and talented @KidWolfCrypto is 7 years old. His brother older brother is an eager musician. @KidWolfCrypto wanted to show how much he LOVES his brothers music and made Happy Music Skeleton feeling the vibe on all his favorite instruments with vibrant and glowing textures to show the deep brotherly emotional bond that art, music, color and vibrance can convey feelings better than words or fist-fights. @KidWolfCrypto took to Photoshop on his own, watching YouTube videos to learn the basics and some help from mom. He pulls images, edits collages and uses all the tools to compose his work. 5% of net proceeds will be donated to P.S. Arts: dedicated to advancing equity and opportunity for children and youth by providing arts education in systemically under-resourced schools and communities.

Green Space Guitar





Green Space

Happy Music Skeleton is a series by @KidWolfCrypto a 7 year old digital artist. The series is inspired by his older brother’s musical talent. The Happy Skeleton is his original character which shows the joy he shares with his brother over their love of music. The series is distinctive in the use of color and glowing texture to express the feelings and emotion that musical instruments have in @KidWolfCrypto’s family life. This distinct NFT features>>> Instrument: Acoustic Guitar Dominant Color: Green Glow 5% of net proceeds will be donated to P.S. Arts: dedicated to advancing equity and opportunity for children and youth by providing arts education in systemically under-resourced schools and communities.
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Green Space Guitar

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
Unverified NFT - please check everything before you buy
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: B5dV...L69c
Mint address: F2nq...RHJA
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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