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We often only see beauty when we check the details. A glass ball is both a looking glass and an enclosed tiny sphere for beautiful, color-rich treasure can hide.

OrbScape 013 - Golden Valley


Every year, as the leaves began to change and the air grew crisp, people from all over the world would flock to Fall Valley to witness the beauty of the autumn colors. The valley was nestled between two mountains, and the leaves would turn into a riot of reds, oranges, and yellows, creating a breathtaking sight. As the sun rose on a crisp fall morning, a group of friends set out to make the journey to Fall Valley. They knew it would be a long hike, but they were determined to witness the beauty of the autumn colors for themselves. The hike was grueling, but as they came down into the valley, they were greeted with a sight that made it all worth it. The trees were ablaze with color, and the valley was transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. They wandered through the valley, marveling at the beauty of the trees and the crispness of the air. The leaves crunched under their feet, and the scent of autumn filled the air. As the day wore on, the colors of the valley seemed to intensify. The sun shone down, casting a warm, golden glow over everything. The mountains that surrounded the valley were a deep shade of blue, and the sky was a bright shade of turquoise. As the sun began to set, the colors of the valley grew even more intense. The trees were bathed in a warm, orange light, and the leaves seemed to glow with their own internal light. For a moment, it was as if time had stopped. The friends stood in awe of the beauty of the valley, and they knew that they had witnessed something truly special. They would carry the memory of that day with them always, and they would always remember the magic of coming down into Fall Valley to see the beautiful colors.

OrbScape 013 - Golden Valley

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 20 %
Mint address: FVnk...XGwa
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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