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I'm writing a story to tell myself one day when I tear the heat from the wires a dream a final melody

The Gentle Sky


//I shouted out/ the storm begin/ the rippling sky/ I held within/ perched atop/ my padded hill/ wondering which/ motherfucker will/ but not so much/ not what I seek/ I climb to find/ another peak/ shedding moments/ in each drop/ beads on my hand/ from shoulder’s top/ sights inside/ of clouds of dust/ of ice and ash/ of worlds of rust/ and somewhere just/ beyond the light/ bleeding crimson/ stars ignite/ “TAP TAP TAP”/ a moment too late/ “-EEEEEEEEEP” the rhythm/ while you meditate//

The Gentle Sky

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 12 %
Listed by: 9BcY...gvwZ
Mint address: GAzZ...UKGp
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