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We often only see beauty when we check the details. A glass ball is both a looking glass and an enclosed tiny sphere for beautiful, color-rich treasure can hide.

OrbScape 007 - Community Colous


The old playground in the middle of the city was a place of endless possibility for the children who played there. It was a place where imaginations ran wild, friendships were forged, and memories were made that would last a lifetime. As the sun beat down on the playground, the children gathered around the jungle gym, eager to test their limits. They climbed and swung and jumped, each trying to outdo the others in feats of bravery and skill. In the sandbox, a group of younger children built castles and dug moats, their faces covered in sand as they worked tirelessly on their creations. On the swings, a couple of older kids were taking turns seeing who could swing the highest. They kicked their legs out, feeling the wind rush through their hair as they soared higher and higher into the sky. Off to the side, a group of girls were playing hopscotch, their laughter and cheers echoing across the playground. As the day wore on, the children grew tired, but they didn't want to leave the playground just yet. They begged for "just five more minutes" and promised to be back again tomorrow. As the sun began to set, parents began to call out to their children, beckoning them home for dinner. The children groaned and protested, but they knew they had to leave. As they said their goodbyes and headed home, the children knew that they would be back tomorrow, eager to experience the endless fun and adventure that awaited them on the old playground in the middle of the city. Years later, when the children had grown up and moved away, they would look back on those days with fondness and nostalgia. They would remember the thrill of climbing to the top of the jungle gym, the feeling of the wind in their hair as they swung on the swings, and the simple joy of playing with their friends on the old playground in the middle of the city.

OrbScape 007 - Community Colous

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 20 %
Mint address: GMma...6VdS
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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