In the late 1970's we faced unprecedented inflation, and gas price shock. As the American dream felt slightly less attainable by all. Sound familiar? Welcome to half a century later. We have the same problems. Unless you are the 1% of the population who can afford a Tesla. Things still feel the same. Rising Rent, Food, Supply Chains, and of course the great debasement of our currency. Welcome to the future. A Ford Pinto with wood panels. Enjoy. Here was America's best solutions to this gas crisis in the 1970's. Make cars that lasted 3 years, and exploded if you rear ended them. Sounds about right, no? It is with great pleasure I bring to you American Automobile Ingenuity circa 1970. The Ford Pinto, The Chevy Vega, The Dodge Omni, and the AMC Pacer & Gremlin. Minted using Solana...well because, as it was then. The Gas is too damn high. 1-5 Collection. Dynamic rotating NFT's, download preview to see how cool I am and stuff. Preview file too large. Prefrontal Cortex to small to address.