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1st NFTs from the 1st bitcoin nation to the world! Long forgotten habits came back to life during 2020s quarantine. Mixing Inktober Global and El Salvador challenges into one unique drawing challenge. Download for clean edit view

Coal seller fish




A fish comes out of the lagoon, half witch half wise, to sell coals that burn and burn for centuries. De la laguna sale un pez, mitad brujo mitad sabio, a vender carbones que arden y arden por siglos.

Coal seller fish

License: Repr/Comm
Mintedon SolSea
Doublecheck everything before you buy!How to spot fakes?
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: HEto...v8az
Mint address: Gs4Z...1hPX
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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