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The word ' occult' is derived from the Latin adjective 'Occultus' meaning 'hidden'. Occultism is the study of hidden laws of nature, specifically those laws which are at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain far more than those at work in the physical/visible world. Occultists therefore are those who study ALL the laws of nature, both that are readily seen and unseen.

DNA Code Activation


The original planners knew what they were doing. They would not give up on humanity this easily and let the Anunnaki get away with their changing the DNA structure in humanity, which refused us the ability to connect in full with the Multiverse[4]. The Anunnaki were brilliant multi-dimensional geneticists, but they didn’t know everything about DNA. The original creator gods implanted an activation code into our DNA, which would be activated at a certain time in the future when humanity hopefully are developed and evolved enough to be able to handle this activation, which is embedded in our so-called “junk DNA”. This time is now. Some of us will handle this transition with excitement and go through it just fine, but others, who are not prepared, will have a harder time. The main thing that is happening is that we start remembering who we are and the timelines of our different incarnations will merge. In other words, in the beginning we will get flashbacks of earlier and future lifetimes, and these flashbacks will feel very real. They will be a few in the beginning but increase in numbers. People who don’t understand what this is and meet this new challenge with fear and rejection may even go insane, similar to a schizophrenic person. We may be able to visualize this by first understanding that this is the End Times as prophesized, where time on this planet is imploding and linear time is no longer sufficient to carry the human race further. So, similar to a black hole, time is merging and retracting. By experiencing this, when at the same time it is triggering our DNA code, we regain our multi-dimensional abilities and will ascend. When this happens (and it has already started to happen in many people), go with the flow, look at the new information with hope and excitement and understand what it is you are experiencing, and you will be more than fine; the transition will be fairly easy. During this transition, however, you may or may not experience periods of unease, or some parts of your body will start acting strange, sometimes resulting in pain. However, if you go to the doctor, they may not find the cause to the problem and will act quite confused. This is normal and usually nothing to worry about as these symptoms will disappear with time.  On a larger scale, there will be planetary changes as well as changes in the Sun. We have discussed these previously, but it is not up to us to solve these seemingly unsolvable problems, only to understand them. Even problems are energy, no matter how condensed this energy is. The definition of a problem is intention versus counter-intention, which creates stuck energy, as two or more forces clashing with each other and get stuck. If we see the problem as it is and how it was created, the problem disappears in our own minds and no longer stays as a part of us, unless we manifest it again, wittingly or unwittingly[5]. This is one of the main reasons I want to present a problem as close to how it is manifested from both sides, so that the reader can recognize it and diffuse the stuck energy. Not only will you be able to step out of the problem, but also help the rest of the planet to heal, because others will be affected by your own recognitions. There are people today in the New Age and UFO movements who think we should not expose negativity, because it makes this negativity stronger. I understand where they come from, but I disagree. We need to present the problem as is for it to be understood and discharged. Then, and only then, can we move on past it. Our task, after we understand what is going on, is to ride on the wave of this inner knowledge and understanding, transmit the increased light within us into our local universe (our environment and everything in it) and transform it into unconditional love. This will raise the vibration of our environment and it will spread like ripples on the water when we throw stones into a lake. What one person does is making a huge different. Dr. Bordon and LPG-C are trying to, via memes (belief systems), to influence people from all walks in life to be inspired enough to come together, creating the effects of the so-called “3% rule”, or the “100th Monkey Syndrome”. The theory is that if 3% of the world population are united in a certain way of thinking, the rest will follow due to that we all are ONE and of the same multiversal energy. I want to make use of the 3% rule as well, but maybe not using the same memes as LPG-C are attempting to create. Important here is that we want to evolve by ourselves and don’t need any descending gods to show us how to do it, or to protect us. We have the tools we need, and we don’t need their technology either. We evolve by using our own energy, by activating our DNA code and by influencing others in our environment by being examples, and by living what we learn. This is how we expand the mass consciousness.

DNA Code Activation

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