Poke's First NFT Collection contains 10 Selected Motifs around Bitcoin . Each NFT Card is associated with a specified Digital Asset Copyright License, under the terms set in the SolSea FAQ.
Feel free to reach out for us (Poke and the Team) via the contact links on the Creators Page. Stay tuned for Updates and More Stunning Art Collections.
Open Artwork
Creator [Date]
Poke [02/2022]
Poke NFT No.
Series / Serial No.
PenAndPad #002
Corn Cards No.01
Collection Symbol / Motif No.
CC.No.01 / #02/10
4961 x7087
Motif #02/10 is the red queen of the Corn Cards Collection No.01. Digitally Drawn with PenAndPad, so much sweat and blood flowed into this Unique Beauty, that the Artist once Declared it to be Unsaleable.
Look out! You fall for her immediately, never get rid of her again and as I heard, she hangs the headless upside down, to drain. Poke only releases it under tears for his First NFT Collection. Of course, The Queen Card cannot be exploited commercially and the Royalties from secondary sales doube to 14 %. The Owner Receives the Royal Right to use her for representative purposes / a Digital Asset Copyright License for Public Display/Non-Commercial exploitation. Because of her ambivalent personality, The First Owner of this Card receives a voucher for an exclusive one-time print from the upcoming shop, when we are ready. (Keep an Eye on Social Media and contact us)