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A collection of poems written overtime , reflecting ardour in abundance during different phase of life. Web 3.0 has given this opportunity to artist across the globe to showcase the art without struggling to make it a living. Have has my work hidden in a closet for almost 10 years now. Mint these poetry if you resonate with them. And it will help all the poets displat their art in the world of blockchain.




An ardent and a true believer puts their faith in people and everything that builds a commitment within them. The world of web 3.0 is fresh, exciting and brings people to trust it. For every artist who is engaging with web 3.0 and inspiring others to take that leap, this collection is dedicated to you all.

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License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 20 %
Listed by: fckr...Wkx7
Mint address: HroD...kgAx
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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