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All Chi and friends Nfts are hand drawn, inked and rendered digitally by hand. Art by the Industrial designer/ artist Eamonn Bernard from DM_Studios_2020. That's me! Chi, is an energetic spirited spider monkey originally born to explore life on our Galaxy, a hero for a book series but he never made it to the big stage. Spirited as Chi is and after over-coming the setback of never getting to explore the milky-way, a crypto star was born in the metaverse to explore the NFT way'. 'Chi' a cheeky spider monkey that loves equally seeking adventure and seeking time and ways to relax. He can be chill, calm and meditative and yet still rock out with the best of them. He loves meeting and befriending new animals with similar spirit of mind along his metaverse adventures. We meet Chi in all different ages through-out his adventures in different wearables and situations. In the metaverse even spider Monkeys have to pay their way and earn some crypto coin. Released in 3 stages the first are 40 NFTs, then a second of 30 NFTs and third lot to complete the 100 collection series.

Commando cartwheel



Circus arena

Head wearables


Chi-energy force Rating 0-10


In art Asset


Eye Wear


Daredevil rating





Kilt and braces

Safety gear

knee pads

Character traits



Shy of Virtue

Chi also likes to have fun and show off, on occasion and he really has no shame! He often displays his amazing feats of acrobatics and aerial displays on demand, his party tricks. His amazing feats of dexterity, flips, and handstands were on display for everyone to see during his time in the circus as a youngster. He loves to perform his cartwheels and handstands whilst wearing a highland kilt for effect! He always gets lots of attention for that trick!
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Commando cartwheel

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
Unverified NFT - please check everything before you buy
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: BpzL...uppf
Mint address: LV5e...wxmV
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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