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In the year 2705, a groundbreaking discovery was made at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy - a wormhole! Dr. Arturo Mendoza, a renowned cosmologist, seized the opportunity and petitioned the Interplanetary Federation for a grant to explore the wormhole. After leading a team through the portal, Dr. Mendoza made a remarkable finding - a shortcut to the heart of the Andromeda galaxy! During the expedition, the team encountered the L'ethral, an alien race who shared their knowledge of a revolutionary form of space travel that enabled them to fold space and traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye. Humanity was now equipped to explore the Andromeda galaxy, and the Interplanetary Federation sent in the League of Planetary Prospectors to uncover new worlds. As with any exploration, discovery and conflict soon followed.

Dr. Arturo Mendoza


Dr. Arturo Mendoza was a brilliant scientist who had dedicated his life to the exploration of space. He had spent years studying the stars and galaxies, and was always looking for new ways to explore the unknown. One day, while observing space using his own specialized equipment, Dr. Mendoza stumbled upon something extraordinary: a wormhole he theorized led to the distant Andromeda system. Dr. Mendoza was amazed by his discovery and quickly set out to explore the new system. He was the first to ever travel through the wormhole and, upon arriving in the Andromeda system, he quickly realized that it was filled with new and exciting possibilities. He quickly began to study the new galaxy, eventually encountering the L'etrhal, who, amongst other things, shared a new form of space travel that would allow them to travel vast distances in little time. With this discovery, humanity could now begin expanding beyond the reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. Dr. Mendoza's discoveries had a lasting impact on the world of science and space exploration. His pioneering work in space travel opened up new possibilities for humanity, and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

Dr. Arturo Mendoza

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Royalties on secondary sales: 12 %
Mint address: N6xr...5SaZ
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