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This is a project based upon all the characters created in the NFTLG storyline. There will be 100,000 NFT's in the NFTLG Collection. AVATARS from characters in all 3 world tiers. The avatars will be distributed to upon reaching certain goals in the NFTLG COLLECTION Roadmap.

CN BF Ultra Rare Avatar #4





Ultra Rare

World Tier



Cyber Net





Mint Set

Set 1

Cyber Net Avatar Free Mint Collection Set 1! The official Cyber Net Blue Faction Male Ultra Rare Soldier #4 Avatar is now yours to Collect, Stake, or Sell. This Avatar is a 1 of 1 collectible that can unlock special rewards when combined with the matching Cyber Net Staking Token! To unlock these special rewards you must have the AVATAR Collectible & the NFT Staking token of the same name! For Example : If you own (Cyber Net Red Faction Male Soldier #1) Staking Token and the AVATAR Collectible (Cyber Net Red Faction Male Common Soldier #1 AVATAR) in the same wallet, then you will unlock extra special rewards along your STAKING journey!! The first set of 100 Avatars will be 80 Common, 16 Rare , and 4 Ultra Rare Free Mints! There will be more Cyber Net Avatar Free Mints upon reaching certain NFTLG goals! Other utilities include free giveaways to Avatar holders. All Royalties of this collection will be invested back into NFT Lottery Games for continuous production! These AVATARS are NOT ELIGIBLE for staking rewards unless combined with the NFT Staking Token with the same name. For more info, visit our discord and thank you for choosing NFTLG =)

CN BF Ultra Rare Avatar #4

License: Pub/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
Doublecheck everything before you buy!How to spot fakes?
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: 5W1x...L8cZ
Mint address: avJW...tN7x
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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