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Koalas have been declared endangered this year. This collection is based on love for these cute animals. I dream that koalas could fly to another planet away from people, where they could establish their own civilization. If you like my collection, I plan to continue it. P.s. For everyone who buys at least one picture, I will draw a portrait from a photo as a gift.

Koala environmentalist





Flower pot

In hand

Flower pot



Meet this most kind and unusual koala. Her name is Fleur and she is an environmentalist. Flair is a successful and popular environmental scientist. She is writing a book about the problem of pollution of the planet, how it affects living organisms. Her favorite color is always green. Flair believes that we should all take care of nature as if our lives depended on it.

Koala environmentalist

License: Repr/Comm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 10 %
Listed by: 9Lxm...xWfW
Mint address: 42r8...j1zz
NFT metadata: View on SolScan
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