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Ever wondered what Whistler's mother's place was like the day before he created his famous 'Arrangement in Grey and Black No 1'? How about the Mondays after most Sundays on the Island of La Grande Jatte, as painted by Seurat? And what was it that prompted Mark Rothko to start creating his iconic 'colour field' paintings? This collection of images is a record of some of the befores and afters of such famed works.

Judith Fiddles About





Self Portrait


Women Artists

Creeation Process

Text to Image and Photoshop

It's a typical evening in the Leyster's brewery during the year 1630 and we find the spirited young Judith Leyster, a few sneaky family ales down, hamming it up with the local talent. The next morning she's awake early, all dressed up in her her "I'm a serious and professional artist" finery and, despite the youthful shenanigans of the previous evening, she puts brush to canvas, her mind set to a self portrait... and the rest is (art) history... 7200x4114 @200ppi png 18.4MB. This image was created using a selection of text to image AI images made with Adobe Firefly Image 2 ( and composited in Adobe Photoshop.

Judith Fiddles About

License: Priv/NonComm
Mintedon SolSea
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Royalties on secondary sales: 12 %
Mint address: J18o...ndZo
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